Receive your payment fast in a few easy steps.

  1. Step 1 Verify Your Identity
  2. Step 2 Select Payment Option
  3. Step 3 Provide Account Information
  4. Step 4 Confirm Payment Selection
  5. Step 5 View Payment Confirmation

Are you having trouble verifying your identity?

  • Double-check you're entering your information correctly.
  • If your name has multiple forms (e.g. Sue vs. Susan), be sure to enter your name as it appears on your account.

Are you receiving an error when entering your account information?

  • If you're entering a card number, be sure you're using a debit card issued on the Visa, Mastercard or Discover networks.
  • If you're entering a bank account, double-check you're entering your bank account information correctly.
  • Confirm you're entering information for an account that is open and in good standing to receive a payment.
  • Verify you're entering your billing address as it appears on your account.

If you need assistance, please contact us.
